Submit a Public Service Announcement

Our Public Service Announcements and Community Calendar are provided as a community service. We do not invoice you for the announcements. However, your donations enable us to provide this service. Please give a suggested minimum donation of $30 per each event, activity or service you want us to help you promote.  This defrays our cost of production, announcer's time, and related expenses in our non-profit service.  Your gift is tax deductible. (donations are not obligatory).  Thank you!

Thank you for submitting your information at least two-weeks in advance of your event (we cannot promise any announcement will be included with less than two-weeks).  We will review the submitted information, and if it fits our community service focus and production schedule, then we may help you tell everyone about your event or cause. We do not carry commercial or for-profit information in our community calendar. Fill in the form below, and we'll review your information.

The KACS Community Calendar and public service announcements are for local churches, charities, Christian groups, community organizations, non-profit groups, youth groups, civic groups and community events. Your generous donation helps us continue this service. All donations are tax-deductible.

Please click HERE to donate.